Ear Surgery
Myringotomy (placement of ear tubes).Repair of ear drum perforation and Mastoid Diseases (Microscopic Ear Surgeries / Tympanoplsty). Reconstruction of middle ear ossicles (Stapes / Piston / Mastoid Surgery).
Nose and Sinus Surgery
Control of epistaxis (severe nose bleed). Repair of nasal fractures. Septoplasty to straighten deviated septum (DNS). Functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty.
Throat / Larynx Surgery
Tonsillectomy / adenoidectomy. Uvuloplatopharyngoplasty (surgical treatment for sleep apnea). Surgical treatment for snoring (Laser Surgery).
Head and Neck Surgery
Thyroidectomy. Parathyroidectomy. Parotidectomy. Removal of benign or malignant tumors from nose, sinuses, oral cavity, Thyroid, oropharynx.